
Room for 2 - Dua Lipa (2017/06/02)


Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you
Why are you blaming me for all your insecurities?
I never did anything but you closed the doors
Slammed shut on me
Something a little bit bitter
that should've been sweet
I won't compete
You're like a king
with a crown looking down
Hoping I want it
Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you
Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you
Remember what it felt like to start the climb
I'm just like you
Maybe you'll better with time
and we'll leave it behind
There's room for 2
You should've never done
something like that to someone
You can't undo
Thought you were under the radar
But under the chaos I see through
Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you
Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you
I hope that one day you will change
See everyone ain't the same
We're more than machines
You saw a spark where there wasn't a flame
And you barely remember my name
Do you feel complete?
Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you
Up and down it all comes back around
Push and shove do you feel better now?
Knock knock knock
You'll come tumblin' down
Karma's got a kiss for you

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