
german potato pancakes

Jamelilena등록 날짜&시간2024.04.08

12 large potatoes
3 onions
8 tbsp flour
2 egg(s)
salt and pepper
oil for frying

Grate the peeled potatoes on a large grater and season with plenty of salt and a little pepper. Add eggs and diced onions. Dust with enough flour to cover the potato mixture (can be more or less than 8 tablespoons). Mix everything together thoroughly.

Bake the potato pancakes in portions; they must float in oil, then drain them on kitchen paper.

등록된 샷 리스트
댓글 4
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  • Hoppppppi등록 날짜&시간2024.04.09

    첫댓글It seems like a rösti. :)

  • Jamelilena작성자등록 날짜&시간2024.04.09

    because it is.. but I think if I Named it "Rösti" no one would know what it is 😆

  • 너에게기대등록 날짜&시간2024.04.21

    저 위에 크림은 사우어크림같이 보이는데...맛있겠다....

  • Jamelilena작성자등록 날짜&시간2024.04.22

    사워 크림이나 사과 사워와 함께 내세요.

    • 첨부 이모티콘

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